What is Mary’s HOme Maryland’s mission?


We provide a safe, pro-life home environment and holistic program of services for expectant mothers in crisis and their children in need.


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Expectant mom looking at a sonogram

Are you seeking assistance?

Find out if Mary’s Home is the right fit for you, connect with our team members to learn more, and find resources that can help you embrace life with confidence.

ready to take action and

support families in need?

Discover all the ways that you can help support, accompany, and empower the mothers and children at Mary’s Home, as they work toward building bright futures.


What is our impact?

Best care, educational and occupational resources,
& opportunities for growth

The women who enter into our at-will program come from all over the greater DMV area and from diverse walks of life. We welcome mothers of any race, color, religion (creed), national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, or military status to apply, and we strive to ensure every mother knows that she has support. As an explicitly pro-life non-profit grounded in family values, we work diligently to uphold the dignity of every person, in the hopes of creating a prosperous future for our community.


100% the women in our program have confidently chosen life for their children, despite all adversity.

43 expectant and new mothers in our homes have worked diligently toward a brighter future.

42 children - pre-born, newborn, and toddler siblings - have thrived at Mary’s Home.

“We’re all different moms coming from different backgrounds…[and Mary’s Home] truly feels like a home.”
— Mom "Allie"